Key Principles and Safeguards for Documentation
Prior Engagement and Collaborative Relationships:
Creating a shared record of experiences is a powerful tool for mutual learning, building trust and reinforcing collaboration.
Documentation prompts authorities and participants to accept responsibility for their actions. A historical record allows us to draw lessons from the past and make better decisions in the future.
Documentation includes a record of decisions regarding benefit sharing agreements, measures to mitigate power imbalances and access to resources. The documentation process itself should further the principle of Equity by respecting IPLC value systems and choices, and culturally responsive formats.
Documentation should include the voices and perspectives of diverse social identities. Rigorous documentation may reveal the need to address gaps in participation and improve inclusion.
Meaningful Consultation:
Careful documentation ensures that TNC and the IPLC have a complete picture of what has been agreed upon and by whom — a critical component of a robust, ongoing consultation process.